Imperial THC-P vape pod box, strawberry pound cake flavor, next to a pod on ash background

With over 100 different cannabinoids identified in the cannabis plant, it’s no surprise that new compounds are constantly being discovered and studied. Two of the most recent additions to this list are THCH and THCP, which have gained attention for their potential therapeutic properties and unique chemical structures.

THCH has a 10 times stronger affinity for the CB1 receptor than THC, making it potentially more potent and effective in producing psychoactive effects. It also has a relatively high binding affinity for the CB2 receptor, which is responsible for regulating inflammation and pain.

THCP, on the other hand, has a much higher binding affinity for CB1 and CB2 receptors than THCH. In fact, it’s reported to be 33 times more potent than THC. This suggests that THCP has a much stronger psychoactive potential and may produce more intense effects.

But how do these two giants compare to each other? Let’s take a closer look.

Key Takeaways

  • THCH and THCP are both cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, with unique chemical structures and potential therapeutic properties.
  • THCH is 10 times more potent than regular THC, while THCP is reported to be 33 times more potent. Therefore, THCP is more potent than THCH.
  • Both THCH and THCP have a high affinity for the CB1 receptor, which is responsible for producing psychoactive effects.
  • THCH and THCP are still in the early stages of research, and more studies are needed to fully understand their effects and potential therapeutic uses.

Where to Buy THCP Online

Want to try the potent THCP for yourself? Check out our line of THCP products below!

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$24.00 available on subscription from $18.99 every 2 weeks
$24.00 available on subscription from $18.99 every 2 weeks
$24.00 available on subscription from $18.99 every 2 weeks

What is THCP?

THCP, or tetrahydrocannabiphorol, is a recently discovered cannabinoid that has attracted significant interest due to its unique properties. The structure of THCP is similar to THC, but with a crucial difference: THCP has a seven-term alkyl side chain, in contrast to THC’s five-term chain. This difference in chemical structure is believed to influence the cannabinoid’s potency, potentially making THCP more effective in producing certain effects compared to THC.


THCP was discovered in 2019 by an Italian team of researchers, who found it naturally occurring in the cannabis sativa plant. This ground-breaking discovery added a new dimension to the understanding of cannabinoids, proving that the cannabis plant still holds numerous secrets to unveil.

The presence of THCP in the plant is quite rare, with the compound found in significantly lower concentrations compared to more well-known cannabinoids like THC and CBD. However, its potential potency and unique properties have made it a point of interest in ongoing research into the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids.


The effects of THCP vary for each individual, depending on factors such as tolerance, body chemistry, and the amount consumed.

However, some of the most reported potential effects include:

  • Enhanced Mood – THCP may boost serotonin levels, leading to an uplift in mood and overall sense of well-being.
  • Promotes Better Sleep – Users have reported improved sleep quality, possibly due to the relaxation effect of THCP.
  • Promotes Pain Relief – THCP may have the potential to alleviate certain types of pain, making it a possible alternative for pain management.
  • Increased Appetite – Just like THC, THCP might stimulate appetite, which could be helpful for individuals struggling with weight loss or those undergoing treatments that cause loss of appetite.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties – Early research suggests that THCP could have anti-inflammatory effects, though further studies are required to confirm this.
  • Potential for Anxiety and Stress Relief – Users often report a decrease in feelings of stress and anxiety, indicating that THCP could have calming effects.

THCP also comes with a wide range of potential risks and side effects, such as dry mouth, dizziness, and changes in perception. However, these effects are generally mild and temporary, and the use of THCP is generally considered safe for most adults.

What is THCH?

Tetrahydrocannabihexol (THCH) is another rare and lesser-known cannabinoid that belongs to the same family as THCP.  It’s found in trace amounts in some cannabis strains and has a similar molecular structure to THC but with six carbon atoms instead of five.

This slight difference in structure explains why it is more potent than THC.


THCH was discovered in 2020, and its findings were published in this report. It was first isolated and identified in an Italian hemp strain called FM2. The discovery was made by a research team at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy. Since then, THCH has gained attention from both scientists and cannabis enthusiasts due to its potential benefits.


Just like THCP, the effects of THCH vary from person to person. However, some potential effects reported by users include:

  • Psychoactive Properties – Given its structural similarity to THC, THCH is believed to possess psychoactive properties, potentially leading to a heightened high.
  • Enhanced Mood – Users often report experiencing a positive shift in mood after consuming strains containing THCH, though this is subject to personal experience.
  • Sensory Perception – Some individuals have reported enhanced sensory perception, such as amplified visual and auditory experiences.
  • Relaxation – Similar to other cannabinoids, there are reports of THCH promoting a sense of relaxation and calmness.

Bear in mind that these reported effects are based on anecdotal evidence and individual experiences. Comprehensive scientific research is required to fully understand the effects and potential benefits of THCH.

THCH vs. THCP: Structure

THCH and THCP, while similar in many respects, have a salient difference in their molecular structures that impacts their potency. THCH features a hexyl side chain consisting of six carbon atoms. On the other hand, THCP has a heptyl side chain composed of seven carbon atoms.

This minor yet significant structural variation impacts how these cannabinoids interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, affecting their potency and effects.

THCP produces more pronounced effects compared to THCH, with some experts estimating THCP’s potency to be approximately 33 times stronger than that of THC. THCH is estimated to be around 10 times more potent than THC.

THCH vs. THCP: Effects

While both THCH and THCP interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, the increased potency of THCP can lead to a significantly more intense experience.

Due to its extra carbon atom, THCP binds more efficiently to CB1 and CB2 receptors, contributing to a more potent psychoactive effect. Compared to those using THCH, users of THCP report a stronger cerebral high and more pronounced physical relaxation.

When you use your THCP, the high you get is all-encompassing, with a euphoric feeling that engulfs your entire being. This is opposed to the potentially milder effects of THCH, which may not be as noticeable or have a shorter duration.

This heightened potency means THCP’s potential therapeutic effects could also be more pronounced. However, it’s essential to note that everyone’s experience with cannabinoids is unique and depends on factors such as individual biochemistry and tolerance levels.

As with any cannabinoid, users should approach THCP with caution, starting with small amounts and gradually increasing as necessary.

THCH vs. THCP: Potency

The potency of a cannabinoid refers to its effectiveness in producing the desired therapeutic effects.

In comparisons between THCH and THCP, the latter appears to be more potent due to its ability to bind more efficiently with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system. This increased binding affinity for the receptors is due to an extra carbon atom in THCP’s molecular structure.

Simply put, when ingesting the same amount of both compounds, you may experience a more intense and lasting effect with THCP products. As such, THCP products may be suitable for users seeking a more potent and long-lasting experience compared to traditional THC products.

THCH vs. THCP: Legality

From a legal standpoint, THCH and THCP are considered federally legal in the United States as long as they adhere to the guidelines in the 2018 Farm Bill.

This piece of legislation legalized hemp-derived products, including cannabinoids, as long as the amount of delta 9 THC does not exceed 0.3% on a dry weight basis.

However, it’s key to recognize the importance of state laws when it comes to cannabinoids. The legality can vary drastically from one state to another, with some states having more restrictive laws regarding the sale and use of such compounds.

Therefore, before deciding to purchase or use THCH or THCP products, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the specific laws in your state.

THCH vs. THCP: Similarities

Marijuana leaf.

THCH and THCP are homologs of THC, meaning they share a similar structure and bind to the same receptors within the body’s endocannabinoid system – CB1 and CB2.

The CB1 receptors are present predominantly in the brain and central nervous system, playing a significant role in the regulation of mood, memory, and pain sensation.

Meanwhile, CB2 receptors are more concentrated in peripheral organs, particularly immune cells, and are involved in managing inflammation and immune responses.

THCH and THCP, similar to THC, bind with these receptors, influencing the ECS and its functionality.

THCH vs. THCP: Differences

It’s important to note that these two compounds differ in their binding strength.

THCP, in particular, has a stronger binding affinity, primarily due to its extra carbon atom. This increased potency can result in more intense and longer-lasting effects.

On the other hand, THCH is reported to have a weaker binding affinity than THC, leading to milder effects.

Where to Buy THCP Products Online

Looking to buy safe and reliable THCP products online? You came to the right place! At Imperial we offer a wide range of THCP products that are third-party lab-tested, ensuring that you receive only the purest and most potent products.

$24.00 available on subscription from $18.99 every 2 weeks

THCP Vape Cartridges


$24.00 available on subscription from $18.99 every 2 weeks
$24.00 available on subscription from $18.99 every 2 weeks
$24.00 available on subscription from $18.99 every 2 weeks

Our THCP vape pods and THCP vape cartridges offer nine different strain options for you to enjoy this potent cannabinoid. They are all made with live resin enriched THCP and come in medical grade glass tanks to ensure ultimate durability and safety.

Final Thoughts

Even though the novelty of THCP and THCH has sparked interest in the cannabis community, it is still crucial to understand that there is limited research on these compounds.

Therefore, it is essential to use them responsibly and consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating them into your wellness routine. Always start with a low dosage and gradually increase as needed.

Considering their highly potent nature, it’s crucial to be mindful and cautious when using these two cannabinoids. Consult with a healthcare professional if you experience any adverse effects or have any concerns about using either or both of these compounds.

THCH vs. THCP: Frequently Asked Questions

How Do the Effects of THCH and THCP Differ from Those of THC?

While THC is renowned for its psychoactive effects, preliminary studies suggest that THCP might be significantly more potent, potentially offering enhanced therapeutic benefits. On the other hand, THCH is currently less understood, with ongoing research indicating it may have different properties and effects compared to THC.

Are There Specific Conditions or Symptoms That THCH or THCP Might Be Particularly Effective For?

While comprehensive research is still ongoing, early studies suggest that THCP could be particularly effective for pain management, insomnia, and appetite stimulation. As for THCH, as there is still much to uncover about its specific effects, no particular conditions or symptoms have been definitively identified yet.

How Can Consumers Find and Identify Products Containing THCH or THCP?

Consumers can identify products containing THCH or THCP by checking product labels and third-party lab testing results, which should specify the cannabinoid content. Reputable brands, such as Imperial, offer a range of THCP products that come with third-party lab testing results to ensure quality and authenticity.

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